Working from home caused by Covid-19 caused chaos for some. But it also brought about some unintended happy consequences. Like working from home. Or working “from home” from an exotic location with access to wi-fi.
Having had the good fortune of being humoured by friends who allowed us to stay in their place of abode close by the sea, with full access to wi-fi, introduced me to this adaptation of working from home. I can attest to the fact that it is a very palatable experience.
We travelled the leisurely 390 km’s from home, stopping over at the Oude Post Bistro & BP filling station, commonly known as Malgas. This Malgas, though, is not to be confused with the town of Malgas, which is quite a distance from here, although that Malgas also does sport a fuel pump.
The thing to buy at the Malgas shop (other than fuel) is their roosterkoeke. I don’t think it has an English name. Sorrie. But I trust the picture will suffice.
There is a board which tells you which direction you could go, whichever takes your fancy.
Arriving at the sea always evokes some elation for me and my family.
But first unpack the car and get settled in.I thought my friend was being overly confident when he said the house is close to the sea, but I would say “close” would suffice.
Then to explore the area a bit. The view to Mossel Bay’s direction. Naah, don’t worry about those clouds. It was mostly empty promises.And to the East:
Walks on the beach abound. I thought this guy was using his fishing rod to save the folks in the water, but it turned out he was actually angling.
And then, what came down must go up again.
Close by is the ATKV holiday resort.
When lockdown ended (the first time), many memes did the round with the caption: “And poof! All became joggers.” Well, “Poof!” and it was the end of the weekend. As the Chinese proverb goes: “This too shall pass.”…