Johnie Jonker
Hi, folks
Meet Johnie Jonker
Engineer, softroader enthusiast, photography enthusiast, traveller and aspiring writer. Johnie has had a few ‘writer of the month’ letters and other contributions published in Leisure Wheels.
Unlike myself, who writes better than I drive, Johnie actually puts into practice what he reads and what he writes about. He also happens to be my brother.
Johnie joined in the fun with some contributions. His contributions are shown under “Johnie’s Journal” in the index. He also recently started blogging on Litnet. You can check out Johnie’s Litnet blog here.
Bro’ Johnie has given the following consumers warning and undertaking:
“I will try my utmost to ensure that I do not write anything of a humorous nature. For that content, read my boet’s blog. So please bear with me if something funny does slip through.
Contributions will mostly be of a travelogue nature, anecdotally relating incidents, supported by pictures. This may relate to events regarding the preparation, journey or destination.
Although the stories will all (mostly) be true, some of it you may find hard to believe. Don’t worry too much if it sounds farfetched – just be entertained!”