Easter Weekend at Gouritsmond – the town [2]

By PG Jonker

Part 2 of 3

Saturday morning my wife and I go for a walk.  It’s cold.

“Quiet, nuh?” I reckon.  My wife does not bother to comment.  However, the next moment the silence is crudely broken by a lady’s voice on a pa system with speakers on a car driving through the town and inviting all and sunder to the church basaar.  There must be very few small town churches attempting to have a basaar on an Easter weekend.

Hond Gourits

In the foreground the grave of the dog Gourits.  No, the town is not called after the dog.  The dog was called Gourits after the river, and the name of the town.

The shops at Gouritsmond (there are two) remain the core of any commercial activities.

winkelSome of the houses sport rather interesting names.

“Beautiful havens”

Mooi Hawens Milky way:

Mooi hawensSome names are indicative of wisdom learnt from experience.

“Domestic troubles”

Hys moles


Part 3 to follow


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